luxury yacht dubai<br />

The shimmering waters of Dubai are home to some of the most luxurious yachts in the world. These multi-million dollar vessels are opulent oases of indulgence for their wealthy owners. But keeping a luxury yacht Dubai running smoothly relies on the hard work and expertise of its crew. 

In Dubai’s exclusive marinas and ports, a team is required to keep each superyacht looking pristine and operating flawlessly. Their days involve everything from cleaning and maintenance to catering and watersports instruction.

To gain an insight into this rarefied world, we spoke to five crew members about their work aboard luxury yacht Dubai.


The Captain

The captain holds the most responsibility of anyone on board a luxury yacht Dubai. They are in charge of the vessel and crew, responsible for navigation and safety. 


With luxury yacht Dubai ranging from 50ft to over 200ft, captains need expertise to handle these mini cruise ships. Years of training and sea time are required before becoming a superyacht captain.


Dubai’s growth as a global luxury destination has seen standards rise. One captain we spoke to recalled an early ‘wild west’ atmosphere when he first arrived in 2007. But today comprehensive qualifications are required, as yachting has become more formalised. 


The job brings pressures, such as owners making unreasonable requests. A 26 year old once ordered a captain to anchor in a restricted area, leaving him to politely refuse while following protocol.


But facilities in Dubai have improved to match its luxury yacht Dubai scene. “The infrastructure over the past few years has been phenomenal,” says Captain Mike Fetton of JLS Yachts. With new marinas and superyacht berths constantly being added, docking his 70m plus vessels is easier than ever.


The Chef 


Fine dining is an essential part of the luxury yacht Dubai experience. For guests lucky enough to spend time aboard superyachts in Dubai, Michelin-starred cuisine is often on offer.


The yacht’s private chef has a demanding job, preparing multiple meals each day to exacting standards. They must be able to whip up anything requested – from badger or ostrich meat to rare flowers as garnish.


Provisioning while at sea can be a logistical headache. Chef David Buchanan recalls having supplies readied at one port before owners decided to suddenly set sail elsewhere.


Despite the need for outstanding food, some billionaire owners still prefer the simple life. According to David, requests for “heated leftover lasagne” are common. Chefs need to balance their own creativity with owners’ preferences.


The quantity of food is what marks luxury dining on a superyacht. “One symbol of wealth is to provide a feast at mealtimes,” David explains. So focus is on volume as well as quality to impress charter guests.  


The Engineer

Behind the scenes, the smooth running of systems from engines to electronics falls to the chief engineer. They are responsible for fixing issues and avert emergencies.


With yachts becoming ever more high-tech, the role involves everything from repairing TVs to avoiding disaster if an engine cracks or pipe leaks.


Chief engineer Blake Holloway recalls tapping engine oil to restore hydraulics when the system failed mid-journey, causing a crisis. Finding specific tools quickly is vital, along with improvisation in such cases.   


The isolated nature of life at sea can be challenging, according to Holloway. But Dubai’s lively events calendar on and off the water means there’s always something happening for crew during downtime.


The Stewardess 

Stewardesses carry out the interior housekeeping and service on a luxury yacht Dubai. This includes cleaning, laundry, flower arrangements, inventory, table setting and other duties.


No two days are the same, with the stewardess role constantly changing. Amilyn Serrano enjoys the variety, from managing food and drinks to turning down beds and assisting guests. She says every sunset at sea looks different in Dubai’s waters.


But summer brings soaring temperatures up to 50°C, making exterior service extremely hard physically. Sandstorms and humidity add to the discomfort during the long season.


Unforeseen incidents provide lasting memories, both good and bad. Serrano recounts a chaotic trip to Abu Dhabi’s F1 when the captain got lost for 11 hours due to a broken GPS.


The Watersports Instructor

Luxury yacht Dubai ‘s come equipped with an array of ‘toys’ like jet skis, wakeboards and Flyboards that can blast riders up to 15 metres in the air. Guests need instructors to make the most of these facilities safely. 


Brit Nic Thompson has worked as an instructor in Dubai on superyachts and private charters. He says Flyboarding is currently the most popular watersport, along with towable rides like donut boats. Even waterslides feature on the largest yachts.


Safety is paramount, especially with jet skis that can easily cause accidents at high speed. But emergencies still happen occasionally – like intoxicated passengers falling overboard. 


When not powering through waves with thrill-seeking guests, downtime means peaceful cruising. Many older passengers prefer relaxing on deck rather than adrenaline-pumping activities. So occasionally even watersport instructors get to take a break!


Following a 50 meter luxury yacht Dubai ‘s crew for 24 hours reveals the intricacies of keeping a superyacht running smoothly – the steward awakens first to ready the cabins before the chef cooks breakfast, the captain navigates while the deckhand cleans, watersport instructors entertain guests on jet skis and flyboards after lunch is served, the stewards tidy rooms and launder linens late into the night. The synchronized efforts of the captain, chef, stewards, deckhands and more, both seen and unseen, provide guests with an indulgent, sophisticated superyacht experience.



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